Why CPPS-tricks is your trusted and valuable e-learning leader for patient safety?


Why CPPS-tricks.com is your trusted and valuable e-learning leader for Patient Safety?

With CPPS-tricks.com, The Participant will be able to have the required skills and knowledge that is essential to pass the real (CPPS)™ Exam in the first attempt!


  1. All our courses for study and/or review are an intensive review of the comprehensive Patient safety body of knowledge that is designed and well-organized to give you easy and most beneficial journey according to the content outline of the new CPPSExam issued 12/2019.
  2. All our tests are Web-based Exams that are available anytime from anywhere 24H/7 Days.
  3. All Our exams are designed based on Modern CPPSExam content Outline and Guideline issued in December, 2019.
  4. All Our exams are Practice on highly realistic CPPSExam sample questions organized based on:
    • The Five patient safety domains, which covered in similar proportion that present in real CPPSExam as:
      • Culture (18%)
      • Leadership (18%)
      • Patient Safety Risks and Solutions (22%)
      • Systems Thinking and Design/Human Factors (22%)
      • Measuring and Improving Performance (20%)
    • Three types of questions are used for assessment: 
      • Recall (17%): Assess The ability to recall or recognize specific information
      • Application (53%): Assess The ability to apply knowledge to new or changing situations
      • Analysis (30%): Assess The ability to analyze and synthesize information, determine solutions and/or evaluate the usefulness of a solution
  5. After each Exam, a full detailed explanation report for all answers will be generated to provide step by step guidance on what is the correct answer and why? for each question.
  6. Integrity in all our work.

CPPS-tricks.com, is an e-Learning platform that provide online e-learning courses to help everyone who seek to start this journey and earn CPPS credential.

Whatever your current needs, you will find it with us.

You will get a wonderful experience of Patient Safety Science and understanding in the easiest way to reach what you want from the shortest way.

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